
These are some handy guidelines and rules for you to use to get the most out of this blog.

Follow the rules if you do not wish to die  a most painful death. Or we'll make you trim all the shrubs on Hogwarts property-without magic. Believe us, we are in contact with the school and Filch agrees that is a wonderful punishment. 


Please use nice language. 
Don't use God's name in vain-or abbreviate that phrase.
If you have an opinion, do so state it. Be agreeable about it though.


~Check out our pages to learn more about us(you're obviously on the road there if you haven't done so already.)

~Follow us so you don't miss a post!

~If you have a question or request, don't hesitate to comment. 

I think that covers that all....we try not to have too much rubbish to say when it comes to rules. 


  1. These are Garsh Done Good Rules!

  2. Ya know, I woulda followed all these rules without even looking at this page! Also I could never trim it without magic! NEVER!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! We appreciate each and every one.
Please keep yer talk nice, we do have an army of house elves we will use if need be.
~Tonks and Luna